Its my Big Birthday Giveaway!

The photo is fuzzy I used my phone because I could not find my camera but this is what I am giving away.  A brunette Springfield 18 inch doll with the following items.  A swing top and shorts, a night gown with slippers, a swimsuit, a pair of tights and a pair of canvas shoes.


Here is how you need to enter:

You must be a current follower on twitter or facebook I will check verification on drawing night.

Send your email address and name and if you follow on twitter but not facebook send your twitter handle to:  [email protected]  You only have to follow on one or the other not both.  Send your email in today!

Do this by Sunday November 11th at 6pm.  My sons and I will draw the winner Sunday evening. I will contact you via email and will announce the name of the winner on Twitter and Facebook both.  You must respond by the 13th to the email or a new winner will be drawn on the 14th.  It is really that easy.  You only need to email once.  If you want a response email to make sure I recieved it say so in your email and I will send you back confirmation. Once I find what my boys did with my camera we will post an individual picture of each item so you can view them better.  Good Luck!


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