2020 is winding down.

2020 is winding down.

We are moving out of 2020 finally. Can we all have a collective sigh of relief? It has been a challenge for many and I pray you and your family have managed okay through everything. 2020 brought challenges for our household as well. My husband had 10 weeks off work. Most of my craft shows have been canceled. As we roar up on Halloween this week and head towards Thanksgiving and Christmas it reminds me that I should have been more digitally prepared. I have not really pushed the website or the online sales through Etsy because from October – mid-December I always did many shows that caused me to be able to count on that line of income. I am slowly getting better at listing things but still, it is a struggle to take photos. That is my biggest challenge area. I am working on trying to do pictures I feel will show the products well enough. If you have a fun or amusing story to share about 2020 feel free to submit it as a blog comment. All comments have to be approved before they show due to the fact that spammers were filling comments with links to products like Viagra and such. Not what I wanted on my doll page. Until next time I hope everyone is doing well.